
As this website is created, all the information shared here is solely based on my personal experiences on handling the leopard gecko and certain advice from leopard gecko experts. I would not guarantee what information and tips that’s work for my leopard gecko may work for yours. You may apply my advice and information with your leopard gecko at your own responsibilities.

I’m not a true expert but a hobbyist, I would like to bring all of the information here and share it with all of the leopard gecko owners. If you are an expert that find my information can be more accurate and would like to share your advice, you may contact me and share you tips. I would post your advice on this website if I find it is useful for our visitors.

Between, all images are copyrighted to their respective owners. If you have nicer and better quality images that you would like to share with us, we appreciate that. Just drop me a message via the Contact page.

If you leopard gecko is sick, please seek a vet’s help and advice.

I hope the information shared here will be helpful for you and your leopard gecko.

Last but not least, all the best for you and your leopard geckos and enjoy gecko-ing.

Thank you!